% 1 - ορισμός. Τι είναι το toy program
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Τι (ποιος) είναι toy program - ορισμός

toy program         
<programming> 1. A trivial program that can be readily comprehended. 2. A program for which the effort of initial coding dominates the costs through its life cycle. See also noddy. (1996-05-19)
Toy program         
A toy program is a small computer program typically used for educational purposes. Toy programs are generally of little practical use, although the concepts implemented may be useful in a much more sophisticated program.
Squeaky toy         
  • Squeaky toy in the shape of a submarine sandwich
  • A [[western kingbird]].
Squeeze toy; Squeak toy; Squeaker toy
A squeaky toy, squeak toy, squeaker toy, or squeeze toy, is a soft, hollow toy made from flexible materials such as rubber or vinyl, and usually equipped with a small device known as a squeaker.


Toy program
A toy program is a small computer program typically used for educational purposes. Toy programs are generally of little practical use, although the concepts implemented may be useful in a much more sophisticated program.
Παραδείγματα προφοράς για toy program
1. to the San Francisco firefighters' toy program.
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